It’s 2022 and that often means new weight loss goals. How do you stick to them and stay on track?
Be Realistic
Saying you’re going to work out many hours each day or only eat lettuce isn’t an idea you’re going to stick to. Set up a goal you can achieve and plan for it.
Make a list of things you can do each day to help you achieve your goal along with milestones you want to hit. Don’t forget to include increased energy and stamina as part of your plan. They go along with weight loss.
Think about what the goals are before the clock strikes midnight on the 31st. Outline your plan so you know what you want to achieve and how you are going to do it. Stay away from making too broad of goals like saying you want to get in shape. That’s difficult to measure progress so it might be difficult to stay motivated. Goals should be both measurable and achievable.
Be careful of the words always and never as in “I will always eat healthily” and “I will never eat badly.” Thinking of diet as a pattern of eating and striving to make good choices most of the time might be a good way of looking at things.
Talk About Your Plans
Fill people in with your plans. If others know about them, they can support you and help you reach your goals. If someone else shares your same goals, work together to support each other. Reaching out to others is a good way to hold yourself accountable.
Keep track of your progress so you can stay motivated. Seeing even small positive results is a great way to stay focused.
Reassess your successes along the way and amend your goals if necessary. Small and specific goals can always become bigger as you move along.
Remember, progress is more than just a number on a scale. Healthier habits, better sleep, and lower body fat all mean you’re doing something right. Look at it as making lifelong changes for better health, not as losing weight after the holidays.
Plan Ahead
Having healthy foods in the house is a good way to keep making healthy choices. Don’t wait to go buy food until you’re hungry. That’s when everything looks good. When you go to the grocery store, buy enough snacks for the whole week so you won’t need to go to the office snack machine.
Get creative. If your resolution feels like a chore, you won’t stick to it. Eating the same meal every night is boring. Look for new meals you can make that fit within the parameters you set for your diet. The same goes for the workout part. The same routine every day gets old. Mix it up.
Be Nice to Yourself
If you slip, don’t obsess. Try your best and reward your successes. Maybe buy yourself something new or do something else you enjoy. Don’t wait until you reach the big goal you set. Celebrate milestones along the way.
It takes about three weeks for a new activity to become a habit, so things don’t happen overnight. If you lose your focus, recommit yourself. Resolutions don’t just have to happen on January 1.
If you need some advice about healthy eating or the best ways to exercise, B3 Medical can help. We have nutrition counseling and other medical services available for the whole family. Learn more about our nutrition counseling.