B3 Medical Blog

How Can You Get Rid of Ankle Pain?

How Can You Get Rid of Ankle Pain?

Ankle pain is both frustrating and invasive. It can keep you from the activities you love, respond poorly to OTC pain relievers, and even prevent you from sleeping at night. Fortunately, plenty of treatment options are available to get you moving again and restore a...

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7 Benefits of Neuromuscular Therapy

7 Benefits of Neuromuscular Therapy

Soft tissue injuries and acute trauma can cause a significant amount of pain. In fact, tendons, ligaments, and muscles take a long time to heal properly, which is why many people continue to experience pain long after the initial injury. Fortunately, treatments like...

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Treating Middle Back Pain Without Surgery

Treating Middle Back Pain Without Surgery

Back pain is never fun. Whether it's a dull ache or something sharper, back pain can disrupt your sleep, your exercise, and your ability to enjoy life. And middle back pain, which occurs in the area between the neck and the lower part of the rib cage, can be...

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14 Keys to Achieving Lasting Back Pain Relief

14 Keys to Achieving Lasting Back Pain Relief

Perhaps one of the most common ailments found in patients is back pain, with data indicating that eight out of ten people experience this medical problem at one point or another throughout their lives. Chances are if you're reading this article, you or someone you...

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